White-label apps and websites designed to wear your brand
Use a Baron-provided template branded with your logo and colors to provide the best location-based weather
information on the market.

Brandable Apps
Get into the app market quickly and simply
Fully operational out of the box, displaying current conditions, forecasts and even local radar on the map, a
Baron app will make your brand look good. The slick interface intrigues users, and the accuracy of the
information keeps them coming back. Plus it’s customizable with your logo and look.

White-Label Websites
Expand your site with branded weather and minimal development
Install a weather section on your current site, or create a separate weather destination. Either way, Baron
white-label websites can incorporate your online brand, look and logo with ease. Incorporate the most useful and
dynamic weather content into your site to increase page views and advertising revenue.

Weather Maps
Instant and valuable content for your site
Include weather on your website in formats most appealing to your users. Easy-to-interpret weather displayed
directly on the map is valuable information every day. Users will come back again and again, making it possible
for you to capture their attention and create impressions.
All the pieces for tailored weather
Combine any of our tools to create the weather applications you need for your brand’s online environment.
Position your brand as a preeminent weather provider, with superior value-added data that instantly identifies
severe weather, for example, or distinguishes between wet and icy roads. Integrate our API into your app with a
customized, location-based weather data package, and provide a unique product to your customers. From hand-held
mobile applications and location-based widgets to road condition alerts for connected cars, Velocity Weather
features implementation and data options for every project. Differentiate yourself from the field with Baron’s